The format of this book is AWESOME. JLPT words are organized into themes with chapters and subsections which helps keep motivation when working through vocab.
The anki decks aren’t available as a shared deck. If you search the learnjapanese subreddit there’s a guy who’ll share the N5-N1 deck if you show proof of purchase. Decks are formatted really nicely.
Honestly big thanks to the authors and creator of the deck. Probably one of the most important drivers of my Japanese progress.
I started this series because I see it's one of the most commonly recommended first manga series to read in japanese. There is good reason behind it, it's a really cute, entertaining story that uses fairly limited vocab that represent every day life.
A word of caution though to learners is many of the children in the story use little to no kanji in their speech. If you rely heavily on kanji like me then you'll struggle parsing a lot of their speech.
Good First N2 Movie
I was taken away with how beautiful the story and artwork was in this movie. From a language learning perspective I feel this would be a good first movie to try at the N2 level. Vocab for the most part felt very approachable however there are some fantasy leaning words to be careful of.