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(4.28/5)I started to read this after reaching half way through Minna no Nihongo Book 1 and found it difficult to understand but after finishing Minna no Nihongo book 1 and starting book 2, I found it a lot easier to read and understood most of it from the grammar and vocabulary taught in the first book. It definitely has some N4 level grammar and Kanji but the Furigana help.
Would recommend for N5-N4 level reading.
What a great experience to read a book and understand every single word! Minna no Nihongo was my first Japanese textbook at university and therefore is connected to a lot of nostalgic memories! Textbook dialog was taken to create a new story and give new context and it's an effort I admire.
Full review:
I surprisingly loved this book! This is a graded reader from the Minna No Nihongo textbook series (should be read after textbook #2), but i'd recommend it for anyone who's N5/N4. It's a great way to review your vocabulary and grammar - the language is natural enough but undoubtedly 'textbooky' and standard. There's furigana on everything, but no translations or any vocabulary sheets (I didn't find myself needing them thankfully).
The real highlight for me though was the story. You follow 'Mike'
It's a very good book if you're only looking to read something for practice, but the story itself is, as expected, a bit bland. Whatever good is in the story is just nostalgia from doing the textbook for me.
It does have some N4 grammar and kanji, just finishing Minna 1 you will understand but not fully, but it's still highly readable and the grammar you don't know you might still understand from context.
Highly recommended read if you finished the MNN 1 textbook and are starting on 2.