July 9, 2023

If you're interested in politics, the news, or just learning a lot of new words in any way, you need to read this book. It covers the basics of the Japanese political system, it's basically a crash course in everything you need to get a basic understanding. Before I read this book, I knew nothing about how the Japanese government worked, but now, I know at least enough to understand the politics section of the news without issue and stuff. It was also entertaining, using lots of diagrams (literally half of the book was diagrams), short sections, and everyday examples to explain complex subjects.

Level wise, it is pretty difficult. There is no furigana anywhere in this book, so you should have a decent knowledge of kanji beforehand. Thankfully, there are no rare kanji, only joyo kanji that are used commonly anyways. There are also a lot of long kanji only compounds. Obviously, there is a lot of advanced vocabulary, some of which is explained, and some of which you might have to look up. Grammar wise, it is written in a straightforward manner, all using teineigo. Because of this, it is hard to get too lost as long as you have a dictionary.

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