July 10, 2023
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Relevant gradings from other volumes
bibliothecary graded
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This story is about Moomin, who feels a little sad that he doesn't have something special of his own. He goes exploring, hoping to find something that can become his treasure, but everything he sees reminds him of one of his family or friends...!
Also included: a brief biography of the author; the history of the Moomins books, comics, etc; and character profiles. These were just as enjoyable as the story itself, and I like that there was some non-fiction reading in there, too. Although I was shocked to discover that Snufkin and Little My are siblings!
Moomin books are something everyone can enjoy, regardless of age; I found myself smiling as I read the story, and the ending warmed the cockles of my heart. Heh, cockles. It would be great for beginners, since the language and grammar are pretty simple, the characters are familiar, and it's a nice mix of fiction and non-fiction.
Although I have surpassed the level at which the series would be most useful for language learning, I'm definitely reading more volumes, because they're so sweet!