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この巻は前の巻よりも感情的にさせられてもっと難しい。主題になる葛藤は人工的な納得できない出来事より凄くありのまま。一つのチャプターのタイトルは「ウァレンティーヌスの悪戯,」、作家さんが確かにそれを上手く描写している。祐巳は数々の困難があり、心を引き裂かれた。ところであんまり好きじゃない(反対する訳じゃないけど)メインカップルの話をよんでるのはちょっと面白い 🤔 。最後の文は他のキャラたちがバレンタインデーをどう過ごすかの前章のように描写している。その部分をはしょって読んだのは本題を読み終わった後で感情をシフトするのが難しく感じた。
This volume was a bit tougher for me to read, emotionally. The main conflict is much less of a manufactured scandal, and much more raw. One of the chapters in this book is titled ウァレンティーヌスの悪戯, and the author certainly delivered on that! Yumi especially has a challenging time of things, in a way that really tugged at my heart strings. As an aside, it's so interesting reading a series where you don't actually like the main couple (as a couple) - but aren't necessarily against them as a couple either 🤔 The very end section gives you a glimpse into how everyone else's Valentine's Day went. I ended up skimming that part, bc after the main story closed, I found it hard to shift gears. But there's some relevant characterization stuff in there too.
Anyway, as usual a few parts of the book were a little slow, but overall I thought this one did an excellent job with pacing, and I found it harder and harder to just pause and take a break. It was nice having a conflict with some more substance, and less mystery solving this time around. Looking forward to the next volume!