February 2, 2024
Relevant gradings from other volumes
mitrac graded
Das Jesus-VideoL26??similar in difficulty toVerborgenes Japan: Einblicke in das faszinierendste, aufregendste und manchmal verstörendste Land der ErdeL22??
mitrac graded
Das Jesus-VideoL26??easier thanDie Straße nach Isfahan (Knaur Taschenbücher. Historische Romane)L31??
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
mitrac graded
The sequel to The Jesus Video, not worth it
I loved the Jesus Video (now book 1). Book 1 wasn't really conceived for a sequel, although after reading it I reallly wanted to read a sequel. But this book The Jesus Deal feels like it didn't have nearly the substance behind it. There was way too much filler, too many plot holes or half-baked motives based on religious stereotypes, and it wasn't nearly as clever. I personally thought it was disappointing to have read it and don't recommend it, no matter how much you loved the first book.