October 25, 2024
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Nokapi graded
Children's book with a fun twist
This is a typical picture book with text written fully in hiragana with spaces between the words. There's cooking vocabulary and space vocabulary. Surprisingly fun story. Pretty short.
It's a book my library happens to have. There are also a few videos of people reading the book out loud on YouTube, so even if you don't have the book, you can hear it being read.
Here's one from the author with interactive illustrations: https://youtu.be/2EuB5jS4EPo?feature=shared
And another that shows the full pages: https://youtu.be/EYyXz_7caOI?si=XoJ2TWjmkxDrEi2f