April 10, 2023

A timeless children's book that's easy to read

ピーターラビットのおはなし is a Japanese translation of the classic children's book by Beatrix Potter.

This specific version of Peter Rabbit is a 対訳, which has both the original English and the Japanese translation on the same page; note however that it is not a direct word-for-word translation, so you may notice that the Japanese will not always quite match up with the English. Grammatically, the sentences are quite easy, and the vocabulary would be easy too were it not for the farming-related terminology (like hoe and watering can) which you'd only be familiar with if you've played Stardew Valley in Japanese. There is no furigana.

This version keeps the wonderful original illustrations by Beatrix Potter, so if you have fond memories of Peter Rabbit as a kid and you're looking for something to help transition from graded readers to native material, or if you're raising a child in Japan, this book is an excellent choice.

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