August 12, 2022

All her life, Emi has been able to see spirits. She cannot distinguish them from regular humans, and has become a social outcast who cannot find a job. Finally she is hired by the large corporation Moriya, where the kind treatment she receives causes her to turn a blind eye to some odd things that are happening. Why are the other employees called 兄弟, and why do they croak like frogs? When she vanishes, her older brother suspects she has been pulled into a cult and calls a spiritual detective and a mysterious guy who communicates with snakes to investigate.

The grammar is pretty straightforward. The vocabulary is ordinary and common. There were few words I haven’t seen recently in other books.

The story and writing didn’t pull me in. Even though I didn’t find it difficult to read, there was nothing that made me want to keep reading. I made it nearly to the halfway point and it still felt like a chore, so I decided to stop and move on to something more enjoyable.

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