July 28, 2024
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
NihongoLearner19 graded
This was a unique memoir of the author’s experiences as a child after his parents immigrated from Mexico to the US and worked as agricultural laborers. While the book (1 of 3 total) valuably sheds light on an underrepresented community, not all of the stories are equally interesting.
From a Spanish language perspective, as the book is targeted towards children, it uses relatively simple language. I mainly looked up nouns like algodón (cotton), bracero (laborer), and lodo (mud). In addition, at 120 pages, this is a very short book. I would recommend it for learners.