January 21, 2023

Pretty entertaining supernatural story, with some good side characters.

The story follows Hibiki, an introverted bookworm, who discovers a mysterious bookshop and it’s owner, Reiji, who enlists her as his (temporary) disciple. Through this, she learns about the supernatural, friendships, happiness and most importantly, about herself.

I would say this is a great first or second novel as everything was pretty straightforward and mostly consisted of dialogue. There are a few explanations of the ghosts that may throw a beginner off, but overall a lot of the same vocabulary is used throughout the book.

The characters were all surprisingly enjoyable, and at times, quite funny, especially Chi-chan. The story was half decent for a children’s book as it has some dark themes and also an interesting back story reveal at the end. Would recomend if you want some easy reading!

Latte graded
on March 7, 2023
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
easier than魔女の宅急便 1L24
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
similar in difficulty toクジマ歌えば家ほろろ 1L22
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
Latte graded
on January 20, 2023
easier than夜カフェ 1L23