May 3, 2023

This was a quick read, I read a chapter a day so I finished in four days but honestly I could have easily finished faster. The most difficult aspect was the casual language. Lots of "ねー"s instead of "ない"s and such. Other than that, lots of short sentences, and new vocab is repeated frequently.

Boxing terms were often written in kanji with the furigana being a katakana loanword from English. That made it so it was easier to follow along even as someone who knows very little about boxing; if I knew what the kanji meant, and I knew what the katakana meant, I was able to put two and two together and really know what was going on without looking up too much. The manga also did a good job showing the different kinds of punches in this one training scene. So don't worry if you know little about boxing in your native language or in Japanese, because the protagonist is learning too! Speaking of which, I really liked 百合 (the protagonist), she reminds me a bit of myself at that age.

I liked this manga overall, it's very lighthearted and is fun to read, but it's either very slow-releasing or abandoned (idk which). So keep that in mind if you're looking forward to reading a yuri boxing manga.

on May 12, 2024
harder thanかわずや 1L14
on December 4, 2023
harder than赤い蝋燭L19
on August 27, 2023
similar in difficulty toヨコハマ買い出し紀行 1L23
on July 25, 2023
similar in difficulty toはなにあらし 1 L19
on May 3, 2023
on May 3, 2023
on May 3, 2023
on May 3, 2023
on May 3, 2023
similar in difficulty to耳をすませばL20