September 3, 2024

e-mail book

Since no one wrote a review yet I must say, this is a really weird book.

The format is in messages between two old lovers that haven't talked in 30 years. The woman left the guy in the altar and he never knew why. So when he finds her on facebook he starts messaging her (not live messaging, feels like huge e-mails/letters by the size)

Some of the stories from the past about the 演劇部 when the main characters were meeting really drew me in.

The writing style is very simple.

It's only a 55k read, so I can't explain much more even though I'm itching to do so. I can say that it is not really a mystery (the chapter after the book ends even says so), but it's related as you want to figure out what happened in the past. It's not any other genre as well, seems like it's own thing.

If you're curious just pick it up, I went blind and that seems to be the best experience.

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similar in difficulty toカラフルL28
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easier thanコンビニ人間L29
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similar in difficulty toかがみの孤城L28
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