Hello, I'm Refura (Leonardo Fragozo), a 30-year-old Brazilian individual who aspires to learn Japanese to pursue a career in Japan with a reputable company.
While I'm a software engineer, which primarily employs English, I am fully aware that most social interactions "outside of work" will require me to use Japanese. Additionally, I have a keen interest in reading both modern and traditional Japanese literature, including the works of authors like Kawabata and Murakami that come to mind. Moreover, I also have an appreciation for less traditional forms of literature, such as light novels and manga.
As you can see in my picture, I have a passion for classical clothing (both from western countries and Japan). However, I wholeheartedly concur to the motto "vintage clothes, not vintage values." Naturally, there may be some timeless values worth preserving, but that's a topic for another discussion. See you around!