What it is - a humorous diary account organised in a way to pass on (his) gems for people similar to the author who might travel to Japan.
What it's not: a comprehensive travel guide, a comprehensive overview of Japanese culture.
Being an unconventional mix of travel guide and diary of someone who lived in Japan for 2 years has interesting consequences: First, for the touristy stuff, impressions of locations/traditions that are so uniquely Japanese: you get an unfiltered personal account of
This is a book about Avicenna (11th century philopher and physician), known as the father of early modern medicine. It's a historical novel, translated from French, following Avicenna's life and journey. On the face of it, a very interesting topic. The beginning is VERY flowery. It does back off a bit (after the first few chapters), but continues.
For learners: The flowery language makes it more difficult to read and there are a lot of words and turns of phrase that are purposefully older / fo
I always think the book blurbs give too much away, so if you're like me, wait a couple months to forget the blurb and then read the book. My non spoiler summary would be, this is about the adventure that ensues when an archaeologist happens upon the discovery of a lifetime. As she goes on an expedition to unravel the deeper mystery behind her find, will everyone in the party find what they are seeking?
Great story with good pace, interesting places and ideas.
Aside from one minor scen
What is it - the author wrote a column for 20 odd years in a satire magazine called Titanic. These are articles from 1995-96.
This is impossible to rate. Some of it is brilliantly funny. Some of it is tasteless or needlessly provocative (subjective? times have changed and you'll notice...). It was written by a middle aged white guy in the 90s. It's impossible to understand without a LOT of cultural context (phrases, people, ads, places, etc). There is a lot of play on words. Only pick this up
Content. If you believe, or want to believe, or want to read a story about believing, that the universe will support you in achieving your dream, if only you take action, then you will probably like this story. If you think that will annoy you, then probably don't bother.
Difficulty. This is very easy to read. The main points are repeated and the sentences are direct. Everything is spelled out crystal clear. Something happens, then you're told what the MC learned from that. Then the next thing
I have a family member with a cognitive disability that is similar in many aspects to how the MC in this book is written. In some respects, it's a realistic portrayal of many aspects of this disability, but it's a really raw experience to read that written as entertainment, and in a way that I don't think gets across that a lot of people really do go through their lives like that. imo it doesn't get across some of the bitter realities of what that kind of life really leads to, and the ending fel
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's original and really fun to read. If you're looking for something you can't put down then this is that book. I think it's best going in without knowing too much about it, but that's just me. I hate the way book blurbs give so much away.
Just consider the title and consider what chaos that could cause? It's a great ride.
I read it a couple of times before once reading it aloud. I'd have to say my only reservation is that when I read it aloud there were s
This is about what happens when the Earth is discovered by extraterrestrial life. Overall, I'd say it's an ok book for kicks, but if you're not really secure in your German you might get confused and think it was you when in fact the book just has some plot holes and inconsistencies.
The first quarter and last chapter have some clever scenes and great humour. If the whole book was like that it would be 5 stars through and through.
However, I'm not sure what happened in between - in the middle
I only read the first chapter so perhaps I shouldn't even review this. But the opening scene is so gruesome, way more graphic than anything I was prepared for from book 1. With such a big change I just wanted to put that out there just in case that's something anyone else would want to know.
You could probably read it in the digital preview and decide for yourself.