December 4, 2022
Written in 1895, this will require you to rely on a 古語辞典 if you're not already very familiar with old Japanese. It's a significant jump in difficulty (re: old language) from things written in say the 1930s. However, the actual meaning of the piece isn't too hard to grasp as it's repeated over and over. I probably didn't catch all the nuance, but I checked some modern interpretations and think I gathered the overall thrust of it.
cat graded
on December 10, 2024
easier than紫陽花L43
cat graded
on May 13, 2023
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
harder than刑事の子L35
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
harder thanD坂の殺人事件L36
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
harder thanユージニアL36
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
similar in difficulty toラムネ氏のことL38
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
harder than三人の訪問者L36
cat graded
on March 8, 2023
harder than余と万年筆L37
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
similar in difficulty to遺書L41
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than死仮面L39
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than冗談に殺すL36
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than深夜の電話L35
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder thanア、秋L37
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than黄金風景L35
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than人間椅子L36
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than猿蟹合戦L37
cat graded
on December 4, 2022
harder than幽霊L35