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A mixed bag of stories but a good collection
This collection contains 6 short stories that can only be very loosely defined as Christmas stories. The authors are all well known, though I haven't read anything by them before. I didn't enjoy all stories, but as a collection it's a good variety. Difficulty varies between stories. For example: The last story has a time travel element and you get some characters from the 江戸時代 speaking older Japanese.
逆算 by 朝井りょう ★★☆☆☆
きみに伝えたくて by あさのあつこ ★★★★☆
一人では無理がある by 伊坂幸太郎 ★★★☆☆+
柊と太陽 by 恩田陸 ★★★★☆
子の心、サンタ知らず by 白川三兎 ★★☆☆☆+
荒野の果てに by 三浦しをん ★★☆☆☆