November 2, 2021

Cute little story about a momma fox and her kid going to buy mittens. It's pretty short and judging by a quick internet search seems to be well known/still a popular kids story. The grammar is a smidge old and the vocabulary might be more spread than someone just coming out of textbooks is fully equipped for, but I'm inclined to put this at the high end of N4 or the very beginning edge of N3. I think it should be quite comprehensible with a dictionary. I highly recommend listening to a YouTube 朗読 while reading along. There's one linked on this page.

cat graded
on March 12, 2025
cat graded
on December 16, 2022
similar in difficulty toねずみの嫁入りL18
cat graded
on November 6, 2022
similar in difficulty to赤い手袋L21
cat graded
on January 3, 2022
harder thanうくろうL13
cat graded
on December 9, 2021
easier than魔法探しL24
cat graded
on December 9, 2021
cat graded
on December 9, 2021
similar in difficulty toながいながいペンギンの話L22
cat graded
on December 9, 2021
easier thanやまなしL26
cat graded
on December 9, 2021
easier thanおじさまと猫 1L18
cat graded
on December 9, 2021