May 3, 2023


This book was actually quite a breezy read. However, it was terrible. I hated every character in it and reading it made me want to smash my head against the table. The situations were unrelatable and the characters were flat and annoying. This is one of the first books I have DNF'ed in a long time, usually I finish books even if they are trash but this one was so bad I had to stop it before it made me despise reading for the rest of my life.

slidevore graded
on September 6, 2023
easier thanNHKにようこそ!L31
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on September 3, 2023
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on July 29, 2023
slidevore graded
on July 27, 2023
easier than満願L33
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on July 22, 2023
harder thanビルディングL25
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on July 16, 2023
easier than【推しの子】1L31
slidevore graded
on July 7, 2023
similar in difficulty toN/AL30
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on July 4, 2023
slidevore graded
on June 29, 2023
harder thanL31
slidevore graded
on June 29, 2023
similar in difficulty to走れメロスL33
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on June 22, 2023
easier thanア、秋L37
slidevore graded
on June 5, 2023
easier than冗談に殺すL36
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on May 22, 2023
harder than待つL30
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on May 16, 2023
slidevore graded
on May 16, 2023
similar in difficulty toカラフルL27
slidevore graded
on May 16, 2023